Monday, April 29, 2013

Item 16 - Finish 30 17 books - "Masters of Atlantis" by Charles Portis

The first time I read a Charles Portis book ("True Grit", if you're curious) I had the feeling that I've had with a few authors in my life; a feeling of joy and sadness. Joy that I had just read something great that I would hold dear for the rest of my life. Sadness because I would never be able to read it for the first time again and that I would one day run out of books that that author had written.

With "Masters of Atlantis" I've run out of Charles Portis' books. As I mentioned once before, I'm trying to keep these reviews short and to the point, but I didn't feel it was right to pass by this book without eulogizing it in some way. So there it is. It's not his finest book (that would be "The Dog of the South" without question) but it's a fine meditation on getting old and the expectations that an artist has placed on them and places on themselves.

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