Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Donation to the American Civil Liberties Union
Item 19 - Donate to 30 27 charities/non-profits

So, do you care that the government can now assassinate essentially at will as long as they put the word "terrorist" on a report? Because the ACLU does. They care about all the important things that you should care about but can't because if you had to deal with all the atrocities of the world you'd be crippled by the sheer horror. They defend your privacy, your freedom and your life and most of the time we never hear about it. They are as close to a superhero as we're likely to get.

I made the decision to make this donation this week because of the drone issue (which is why I keep mentioning it). It bothers me a great deal that we've turned murder into a video game. I don't believe that these "targeted killings" (doesn't that sound so clean? Almost like an action film title) make anyone safer. Our government shouldn't be in the business of finding ways to kill it's citizens, that seems like a "no duh" statement, but apparently we need to keep telling them that.

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