I'll break my review of "
The Hole" by Aaron Ross Powell down, in the interest of keeping it short.
Il buono: Great premise; a zombie book that's not actually a zombie book. Plus the elder gods in the shape of Mormon mythology angle is a fantastic idea that I wish had been explored more fully instead of in just the last bit of the book. As I've said before, I'm a sucker for a good premise.
Il brutto: There are only two characters in the book and they are never really fleshed out. Every once in a while another character is introduced just to be killed a few pages later, but they are never defined enough to make you care. Unfortunately the same is essentially true of the protagonists.
Il cattivo: That last part of the book where the most interesting part happens? It's also where the anti-climactic finish comes up. We trade any sort of action that happened in the rest of the book for what I can only describe as deus exposition machina, it's pretty unsatisfying. I think Powell is a decent writer and had a good concept, unfortunately it just didn't work.